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22 juin 2012



15 April
Four criteria for defining and evaluating 10 candidates from the 2012 Presidential Election.
* The character
* Vision (World & the future)
* The project
* The party (or if the platform or training in the broad sense)
This is an opportunity to defuse (or target), to the extent possible, views or sympathies displayed here, sometimes the nuances in case it was necessary also to bring together the various publications.


The character 5/5 Even if the vote is not decisive charismatic (it would have led to some conflicting votes during previous elections), it would be ridiculous to deny its influence. Marine Le Pen is probably one of the most fascinating political figures in our region of the world, his personal history, the legacy she owes to her father (and even if it was the seal) was formed point of making a political animal unconventional and extremely accomplished. It is as a woman is inseparable from the practice politician, without going as far as saying that construction was modeled on the National Front, and by extension therefore a national bloc in its posture, motor of the temperament of a fighter, this self-confidence and vision are probably from its trajectory family (a phenomenon also can be used with the arguments the accusers short - as Manuel Valls who is already reduced). All the rubbish about "modernity" of the FN candidate must not forget the true strength of MLP and the reasons for its attractiveness, the nature that emerges from his televised performances (contrast and also, in part, with its more official appearances), the consistency of his rhetoric (stable and structured), the free performance make an engaging and often even fascinating. This incredible aplomb does not immediately a head of state, but in any case the pledge of personalities in the wake of which we want to engage.

World Vision 4/5 offensive, ambitious and soothed. Restore pride and national unity is an issue for Le Pen as for all its employees or counterparts; opposition to Globalism and its representatives is an important distinction; downright decisive against the refusal to condemn the French social model , the rejection of rhetoric "anti-assistantship" hijacked by the right to destroy the structures of solidarity.

The recent return of the theme of abortion questioned, could anyone legitimately believe, on the coherence of Marine Le Pen, who undermined this standardization work of the National Front in the universe, but media-folded essentially of morals. But, as often, the proposal, artificially inflated and demonized, was found largely recovered to the point, and finally, this issue relates to a broader set. The refusal of the "laxity" regularly mentioned is a cornerstone of the vision of Marine Le Pen: This is first to ban this laxity economic, social and judicial growing part of the people suffer, then, to break with a moral laxity, an irrational selfishness. Here, the horizon for both the individual and the unity of civilization.

However, participation in the insidious encouragement to a poorly defined Islamophobia, both in its aims and its enemies, just dilute the message to reduce the FN Marine Le Pen's populist lubbies towards low floor, especially as the treatment is not the most subtle (and therefore, the "system" denounced by MLP uses it easier for her to make the outlet hated his own fears, sometimes irrational, in respect of a Muslim). From a standpoint laicard but also cultural, posture is saving, but the subject is tense and conducive to disorder and misuse of passion (especially on the part of the bourgeois left).

The proposed 4/5 The purpose of the FN current efforts is the takeover of France at the time of its dissolution in a European Union more concerned with its consumers as its peoples. And the takeover of fate thereof requires control its own borders but also by the preponderance of its own laws with those of the French Union, like others, have chosen to reject. On these topics, the project of the FN fits me perfectly.

Identity, Justice & Immigration. The application of the "priority" become "national preference", although it may annoy or confuse, is a natural measure that is found in all countries of the World. Similarly, the questioning of "jus soli" is not a universal principle.

Economics & Social. The program seeks to empower a revival thanks to protectionism and an uncompromising knuckle-inch to SMEs. The "Small Business Act" in French scale reflects the reality of power relations and market while seeking to restrict its grip and arm the industries and business French. To reduce public debt, this would be without "unnecessary expense and harmful" by contrast, state funding are not mentioned (despite a challenge to pension reform in the five-year term soon ). Note the "housing first check" aimed at first-time owners. Finally, a key measure, the separation of deposit banks and investment banks and the cancellation of the 1973 Act, Marine Le Pen only had the courage to question, when others of "their land" unaware of its existence or in accommodated.

Societal mores &. The refusal to make concessions on the legislation on gay rights is a mistake, because it encloses the FN in what his opponents qualify for "conservatism"; for them, this is one of the few controversial topics (UMP and PS're used to differentiate) and allows the distancing and dishonesty inexpensively. However, the FN should yield at least since the gay marriage ban will maintain an aberration for the future generations who will, nevertheless, do not forget that the movement is undergoing changes and that " old timers ", but also some portion of historical Frontists, have already rushed (and a break for reasons of societal postures, that would be the most beautiful mess possible).

Institutions, electoral system. Submit the statutory scheme is proportional to an emergency democratic program of FN precise consider applying to all elections. The idea of a referendum to return to seven-year term is useless, outdated and uninteresting.

Environment. Rather limited and focused on measures derisory. To remember all the same, the emphasis on relocation of energy (also municipalization of water) and above, out of the nuclear long-term.

All this annoyance still largely in the armholes, there are probably areas of fuzzy or lightness. But it would be dishonest to pretend a fallacy that many concessions are made to the old guard as well as a public "right" slightly rancid, the FN today seems to focus on a healthy direction, although some major issues as the response to Islamism, or even remain to be determined, to see if the FN is effectively and without concessions to the reconciliation of French and the quickening of the national forces.

The Party 3/5 This is where the rub ... Unless ... It will report what they like about the genesis of the National Front, as it stands today is the only genuine opposition party and alternatives to current processes, alone among the formations playing a role behind the scenes but not in the foreground, to propose a global failure. First, the FN has long been a catch-all straight from the right and recalibrated the chessboard, but the fantasies and phobias around the party are as much a trap for its executives to the idea that of national sovereignty, that the excesses of Jean-Marie Le Pen made it possible to caricature and assimilate to values traditionalists, willingly provocative and borderline abusive. All this will soon be treated in one or more articles on.

Marine Le Pen on Zogarok ...

> Potential for electoral alternative


Nicolas Dupont-Aignan ***

The character 4/5 Cheminade repeats, as in 1995, it takes on France "a man of character" when its candidate is found, the loser of the campaign only has to turn to NES. When Sarkozy was consecrated by the right end of 2004, one man stands against him, arguing that the takeover of the new leader of the UMP helps to purify the party line. This man meet only 10% of the votes, but ridiculous score on achievement given the clouding of the media and the general excitement surrounding the election of political figure to become the most admired and most controversial of France . But with the change in style of Sarkozy, NES, active support of the "No" in the 2005 referendum, is more flush with echo and tired people, the desire of protectionism and concern about the place of France but also his health and morale internal financial. NES founded his own party during the 2007 presidential campaign and remains a background figure, his presence in this presidential election, despite the jeers of singers and bourgeois media silence, is a fine example of courage and intransigence . Also in its favor, the coherence of the course of this near Seguin then Chevenement. The limit (formal) character for his lack of entourage (visible and / or media coverage) and a certain stiffness, an assurance which are a guarantee of authority and respectability, but the approach can make it rough for the uninitiated.

World Vision 4/5 The defense of a global sovereignty movement which would accommodate a "free market" but constrained and regulated, dissociated with a finance national interests above all, is probably the most viable option and most credible in the state, while projects of Le Pen or the radical left are federated around Mélenchon harder unsustainable, excessive or too dangerous to move. Dupont-Aignan pragmatism embodies a little glamor, no glitz, without mingling in egalitarian utopias or whimsical, or cast in a passive but delicious Bayrou who, for the sake of consensus and harmony, will never after its logic. NES is the right candidate, the reformist rationale for this campaign.

The proposed 4/5 He contrasts, Marine Le Pen it sees as a "prisoner of the National Front," a patriotic vision "serene". Except that if MLP may be mired in a training or cross the lines and extreme factions abused iconoclasts, it is useful for the sovereigntist vote and those who aspire to establish a French protectionism, when NES him, capped at 2% is inaudible, mocked, scorned for its communication (sometimes anachronistic or naive, it is true).

The reappropriation of national sovereignty has its corollary, the break with the European Union as it is today. Such a project would be an opportunity to gather the Eurosceptics of all stripes, whether they be for good or bad reasons, but also left some longing for the establishment of a Eruope "social", it is Besides a recurring leitmotif in the radical left (Wing "soft" NPA - most of the Left Front and the Communist Party - left wing of the PS, type Hamon / Montebourg). It would also boost the European feeling, saving paradox contrasting with the forced passage of illusory patterns of socialist parties and democrats.

In the same vein, independence from the ECB, repeal of the 1973 Act, back to a zero-interest loan to the Bank of France. All this makes the synthesis between the dictates of social Gaullism and referred to the ideal of "Europe of Nations", held in abeyance for a decade. A more flexible and coherent to encourage people to pack, remember how they resemble and perhaps avoid finding the enemy within the area.

The Party 3/5 This is the only team truly "Gaullist" among those that emerge, the RPR was no longer, because of the ravages of time, the UMP since its creation did attributed the virtues and symbols of Gaullism as to better serve and betray a neoliberal vision and safe. DLR combines national-liberalism, state authority and republican values, nor do transacting on the social role of the state nor the refusal to assume a scapegoat in the population, which is no small task (same as the parties 'moderate', 'progressive' or 'radical' left wallow in this trap unhealthy).

NDA Zogarok ...

> Potential Electoral Alternative


Jacques Cheminade ***

The character 3/5 Individual strange, relatively elusive. Both full upright and completely overwhelmed, spirited and gloomy, brilliant and hardworking, lunar and borderline. Become the key attraction to the media fair, so that the poorest can be adorned with patent acute by pressing the nail with some projections of comic end of the meal.

The vision of the World 3/5 Cheminade is proud to have "predicted the crisis" since the 90s, or it is already mocked, though in smaller proportions. To put poussivement, the "Che" is probably somewhere between serious and nationalist anti-globalization left. Determine its position on a political spectrum left / right would be a waste of time because his political ideals and meet only very occasionally cleavages inherent in them. The struggle against finance, the term connoted the "banksters", the specter of intellectual decadence at work places him far to the left of the left a little to the right of a conservative traditionalist soft (type De Villiers).

His alternative to totalitarianism current could be defined as a kind of neo-utopian globalism. All this is politically interesting analyzes are often courageous and wise, but the assumptions are, however, sometimes improbable, sometimes abstract, almost always restricted to the cast (what allies, what means, what skills or methods for all projects mentioned?) .

The proposed 3/5 The pledge of the presence of Che in the competition, it was the perpetual humiliation by all journalists. Cheminade that arise and the stress relief is allowed, especially since no one is behind him and will defend it. Mess.

Let the little things (frank Polytechnic) and the key directions (imposing transparency in the world of finance, new international monetary order -!? -; Requisition of the Banque de France; separation of banks and deposit - such as other candidates a little bit credible or bold), going to the essential: the space project, which is nothing ridiculous. First, we must one day decide to start a long way, but prickly after glorious then, the space race less fun the Chinese and to a lesser extent Russia, which they know how this issue is essential to have influence over peers dispelled this World, and finally, a national long-term view of civilization, it is never that which gives some sense of vitality, hope and pride to a countries, otherwise it is only the receptacle of a mass of individuals alone, withdrawn, sad whose horizon is reduced to the direct surroundings and reality. On the form and substance, nothing ridiculous, finally ...

The Party 3/5 Assimilated to a sectarian organization, a mole hidden from far right to institute Marxist propaganda and complotistes nicely lit, Solidarity & Progress party is anonymous, with no weight, ruled by his single " framework ", Jacques Cheminade, since its inception in 1996. The basic idea is the establishment of a market "altruistic" alternationaliste. On a societal level, positions are relatively "reactionaries" but based, although they inspire an a priori very caricature (on video games for example). Training is difficult to define itself as not really separable from its leader.

Cheminade Zogarok on ...

> What good is a Cheminade?


Jean-Luc Mélenchon **

The character 2/5 From Sarkozy (contempt for the troops and barge) and Patrick Sébastien (kisses, love and humor and life is so much better), an excellent facilitator of crowds already repeatedly discussed here.

The vision of the World 2/5 A take it or leave ... Take it, anti-imperialism, the refusal to sell off some idea of the Left. To leave this determination to enroll in any Left precisely, which not only supersedes but restricts it outright. To leave too, abandoning the workers' cause, particularly in favor of causes superficial but bankable. To leave again, this man's stupidity and narrow-minded dogmatism of rejecting everything, near or far, does not belong to his corporation or seems nuanced themes or ideals to fight or misunderstanding. To leave at last, this contempt of France to those who refuse, the European Parliament, to receive his texts in French (Note that while English, the language of the devil Liberal, to snap, it's the Spanish found favor with Mélenchon - because it is the language of the devil Liberal rebels, including Mr Mélenchon is the servant who may be unaware, have implemented postcard).

The project 2/5 Regularization of undocumented drastic limitation income, no pension below the minimum wage amounted to 1,700 euros, creating nine new tax brackets, global disarmament, 100% reimbursement of health expenses ; these principles tacky, demagogic and almost angelic bombastic in their teens, who founded the far left "light" of today and are associated Diaries (or semi-conscious?) neoliberals outrageous and Lib Dems guilty to the candor. It is the staunch neo-Bolshevism (also protects the caricature of the real forgiveness is doomed to failure).

The project, probably by omission of the whole operation seems to be to neutralize mélanchoniste good will in that case, in whose service? The "soft Left" he castigates? Or posture of old hand polish the relics to the perennial Socialist?

The Party 2/5 Federation of radical left, left dogmatic, extreme left, left and socialist alternative to the old and intransigent. Many people, the entire left of the PS for short: a coalition cited a long time, finally gave birth, maybe tomorrow efficient if the context permits. Suggestion box or a machine to squeeze both leftist small-time? It's certainly all at once; remains whether the Left Front will have a utility, will move the lines and weigh to the left, or if the task is to supplant the desire for alternative and channel edgy and anti-system voters.

Mélenchon Zogarok on ...

> Potential Electoral Alternative

> Mélenchon: Patterns of thought & ideas flagship

> Super Méluche



The character 3/5 Sort of temperate and solemn wise, affable but also regularly inhibited in its defense or clumsy in his attacks. Nevertheless, a teaching abilities, we have noted in Bayrou, in the presentation of his reforms, a process technician: Bayrou and believes his audience wants to meet the challenges that itself arises. This is strictly personal wealth as it imposes a glass ceiling. Perhaps when more virulent olibrius miles will be passed before him with the tenth of its proposals, its workforce and honesty, while Bayrou will feel so alone that a Lionel evening of April 21, 2002.

The vision of the World 3/5 Heir of Christian democracy, Bayrou is a social liberal aware of the limitations of each model, including those they preach. Rather relativistic and distanced on most subjects, it is also the proponent of a consensus culture "passive-aggressive". This last aspect of his vision of the political system led him to turn around and break at this level is necessary, otherwise Bayrou continue going in circles despite his best efforts, all his talent, his dialectic suffers already wickedly.

The proposed 1/5 What is it? The only posture emerging MoDem and Francois Bayrou is the eternal "neither-nor" that resonates so much with a "matter" of procrastinator, which is sort of extreme centrists cousins of rebellocrate Cohn-Bendit. Especially, the change demanded by Bayrou and he claims to embody is only a substitute of alternating sterile illusory and maintained by the PS and the UMP, if it were the center of the Exchequer in 2007, Bayrou by lack of initiative and intuition probably luck and certainly supports, is currently at the center of the circle of liberal-bourgeois. A bad boy facade that will fallback and spare wheel with two bigger than him do this very uncertain takeover attempt is not a fabulous way to encourage a relentless shooting in circles?

Bayrou remains the candidate most "visceral" Europeanist (by obedience) and even the post-Lisbon Europe is that he made, his lack of cons-proposal and the lack of a European perspective built , credible and enforceable, are the presidential candidate of MoDem a timid opponent well. What is termed, by extension, complicit.

The Party 2/5 Écrin alternative visions, temperate and pragmatic reformers, the modem is, as Bayrou, doomed to failure, unless you play the referees. This would mean that he is given the means, that the grants, or the proportion is integrated to allow independence and development, financial and legislative course, but also an ideological and intellectual sclerotic party, inert and inaudible, whose only position is that of an emerging "neither-nor"

Bayrou on Zogarok ...

> Potential Electoral Alternative

> There's a hiatus

> Poor little Francis unjust



The character 3/5 For the liberal right, social conservatives, the national camp or left sovereigntist, Eva Joly should be considered as an honorable opponent [first, because it is at its lowest and make a dwarf electoral crystallization of his obsessions is a strategic move - dwarf or powerless as the FN, but ideal opponent beaten in advance, tailored (to a point of view "Election") for the rest of the politicians for example]. Eva Joly is a fighter who fights and displays stacked resume to melt the most unbridled idealism. She continues to display a sharpness and finesse in the analysis of power relations in political and more critical, including Nicolas Sarkozy and his government (appearance amplified with direct charges to finance the campaign , 2007). However, for prescriptions, Eva Joly assumes all the candor of some left so radical that it becomes "roudoudou", while the system and even democracy should tremble at their bases.

The vision of the World 1/5 Cartoon hybrid, it carries all the marks of the punitive left (whose positive aspects are the ones who could have done the "Ms. anti-corruption" campaign), while at the same time , she waved the banners are the most hypocritical trappings of neoliberals. A progressive "ultimate", ranging from frenzied idealism, abdication of the social and economic naiveté charming (perhaps half-consciously so complacent) to the issues and processes in place.

The proposed fifth paradox Joly: call to vote on its behalf, "even if you do not love me" because it is the approaches of its political ecology. But this sequence was good, except for negotiations on nuclear improbable, or one of the only team of Eva Joly is responsible for ecology.

The Party 1/5 Sort of springboard for inflating CVs before turning back, or to something more serious (Socialist Party - Ministry or granted by it) or to a position to guarantee the pensions and / or allowing notoriety (and sometimes the public amusement) of his flock (Cohn-Bendit, Mamère - Bové and in a sense). It is not yet quite that, but the generalization is on track ... remains the case of some who dream of becoming the largest party EELV of the social-liberal left within a decade, the face PS and a declining mediocrity, John Vincent and Cécile Duflot Placed hope to become the leaders of such a phenomenon, Yves Cochet hope to be there to influence and accelerate the movement. I took the bet.

Joly on Zogarok ...

> Madame Joly, I sympathize; on AgoraVox

> The mewing of Eva




The character 3/5 I felt a lot of annoyance to him initially, but with a little patience and attention, you realize that Nathalie Arthaud is a sort of extension of Laguiller, and more vehement when his dinosaur Model is more guy. Arthaud is the watchdog of a "far left" caricature worthy descriptions of the most regressive: the totalitarianism Care Bears, somehow.

Naturally, it is dogmatic as humanly probably. It is a peremptory character with this curious attitude giving the image of a robot, a character a bit stupid (or stubborn, fanatical see) who recite prose more or less powerful but free and hackneyed. Arthaud is often angry, full of verve, provided it can seem monotonous and vacant. A Segolene Royal on the far left ...

However, the speech is more consistent and larger than in the case of the peer Poutou; we guess more lace, more faith, more culture and also probably a better knowledge of reality. Finally discovered a politician and intellectual honesty usually absent or uncertain among competitors and defenders nestled in one corner of the political spectrum. Moreover, Arthaud fully assumes his differences with Mélenchon when Poutou looking for patterns and points are frivolous or trivial details to create a rift between him and others of the radical left.

The vision of the World 1/5 To Arthaud, an election is only the opportunity to present its projects and communist revolutionaries. Therefore, the "citizen revolt" is an aberration from his point of view, but what distinguishes Mélenchon, for it belongs to a small sect unambiguous dictate, without sacrificing any of alliances, even with training ideologically close or electorally compatible. Beside her, Mélenchon is a compassionate centrist.

The proposed 0/5 The presence of Workers Struggle is justified only by habit. It is part of chokepoints any election deadline, it is useless, but not cut it. Also, the dogma takes over the project, or even on the ideal. Arthaud simply debit the antics of his mentor Laguiller, advocating measures inept and silly that have no chance to lead and therefore, serve only to allow those who declaim to get on television for playing edgy lefties and stupid.

The Party 1/5 First relatively marginal, Workers Fight has become the great training in France with the Trotskyist Revolutionary Communist League and was able to penetrate further through its patron saint Laguiller. The personal success of this Presidential election have been a guarantee for the party, almost always votes with almost no intermediaries. Moreover, the voter base Laguiller, so invariable, was mainly due to its qualities of women and the pervasive bonhomie of his character. The candor of utopian sister Arlette has always soften, but in a cruel world, it was mostly a diversion against her. Workers struggle remains the friendly party of the extreme left uncompromising, a sort of spokesman for authors eternally resurrected, against their will and without their values being heard. For the leftist prefer the recitation of the revolution, the slogan on the offensive, by the heart-reflection. The challenge is for ever, so basta!



The figure fifth Nicolas has already planned the post, which is to "to make money". Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee stowed away, it was just there on the path of his career. France, the plight of a people, Nicolas Sarkozy is so above it all!

On the form, this is a great showman, except when improvising; station fault of teleprompters, advisors and uninspired opponents or skeptics behind the scenes of crowds or bathing.


Here is a despicable child of neoliberalism, this is not a monstrous excrescence, this is the direct result and uninspired. Fascinating for its ability to convictions, his ability (and repeatedly proven) to lies and deception; for this disgusting habit of promoting so vividly by the heavy consequences of deception (which the pictures the more outrageous is the Lisbon Treaty).

The vision of the World 0/5 Defined above and views expressed at the same time.

The proposed fifth Simulate the patriotic uprising vassals and to better sell off the country of his load. In his defense: among the postures-that-are-responsible, some ideas such as keeping nuclear, admittedly conservative, are bound to limit the damage to the houses in France. This when at the same time, Holland merges with silly promises that he will not be to dismantle or energy, literally and figuratively, the house mentioned above. In other words, Sarkozy's plan has merit for the aberrations hollandistes he refuses to preach ...

The Party 1/5 The UMP was used to fagociter right, an operation that helped clean up the right to submit its dissidents (Pasqua, DeVilliers and other loudmouths sent to the closet), in a rush its currents funnel retaining only that the dogma of the dismantling of the state and public services. A reason not to cry for the UMP, break social peace is a method, not an end. All is well, therefore, there is less than cowardice and meanness of followership in the vast majority of the platform right.

Sarkozy on Zogarok ...

> The President speaks to the French: Flamboyance & Fireworks; on AgoraVox


The character 0/5 There is unshaven, he is neglected, it is like you. He gapes at its launch campaign so he does not care to be elected. He evokes the "friends", he believes serve and with whom he wants to change everything. He does not understand that it is the mirror of Sarkozy, who himself defends only its own interests and those of his friends, which itself refuses to listen to reason or to qualify for his judgments always rely on dogmas, always enter the same niche in the service of a clan that he could easily find a replacement. In politics, it's called a "useful idiot". Doubly and triply useful idiot when you understand that everything is Poutou, the lap and then goes away, it is the man who had just raise the roof, in short, because he needed one. Leaves to devote himself, as a little Poutou opens his mind, something that opens the biographies of Trotsky as his wretched party sells out of his rallies of circumstances, and then he stops to think that his word is useful to anyone, because he is a buffoon in spite of himself, not only exceeded by the system, media practice, but also by his own party machine.

The vision of the World 0/5 King of the anti-liberal common sense, repeating slogans at will and poor simpletons (like its formula of "safes capitalists"), Poutou exists only through its detestation of the "rich", a poor compensation malaise and mediocrity of the condition of his fellow workers (but would never think of it). "Take the money in the pockets of the rich" to make it available to people and friends, this is the ultimate ideal of Philip Poutou. Big difference with Mélenchon Poutou has no plans, no vision for the economy, the stimulus for the re-industrialization, the fight against unemployment; collectivization exists only in their thinking patterns. It would be funny if it was the exact truth. Even Helene Segara is able to teach him a lesson while being masterly. This means as Poutou not only can, but do not understand anything, or very little ...

The proposed 0/5 Turn Sarkozy, he said and repeat. If it's up to that, he was obviously not very useful, others are on the spot, are in charge with gusto, even summarize their commitment to it (also, except that they mobilized), projections or grumbles a little more inspired.

This gentleman who does not see beyond the tip of his nose, which advocates a ban on layoffs, will not even imagine the immediate availability of nuclear would blow unemployment. And furthermore would pummel France ... but it, France, Poutou cares, it's just the workers' canteen, it can also compromise with those who regard it as a "hotel". Thus, the PS representative has the right to shake hands (after all is over) and the candidate of the same party is tolerable as brooms and, probably, as a way of reason. I wonder: a militant of the NPA does he despises not his own reasons for fighting, since it gives the defense a hollow party, isolationist (a politician viewpoint) and that always returns default to the socialist label.

The party 0/5 with Besancenot, became a training far-left and radical left totally harmless banter and risky. The challenge for the NPA is to give a political awareness to students, youth and lost souls in need of revolution with cozy guarantee the future; the few who have tried it with a little respect and courage came back, especially in popular areas and immigrants. The NPA is a confederation of ignorant lazy unable to be consistent, engaging not only to dress up labels and slogans, in a spirit of "100% left." Note however that the NPA is a direct descendant of the LCR, as is reformatted after the success of the Presidential Besancenot of 2002: an operation that allowed neighbors rebellocrates sores to capture a platform occupied by leftists often ridiculous , extravagant, sectarian or isolated, but probably more authentic.



The character 0/5 Who is François Hollande? What are the highlights of his career? What are his actions? What are his analyzes? What is his ideal? Francois Hollande is the archetypal technocrat stashed small, jack since entering the world of men and women stronger than he and who paved the road which he never deviated. The promotion of a donkey at the head of one of two teams immediately likely to win a presidential election in France is an admission of national failure and the proof is that the Socialist Party is infiltrated by moles or Sarkozy too cowardly to go on the front of the stage, is that even the Socialist Party has resigned and is no more than a springboard for careerists paunchy or lapping too idealistic and brave determined to change things, to reform the world, or sometimes, simply, to do politics, even though it dates from the time Dad.

The invalidity of Holland, as a man, is so blatant that even his way of being is not his, the PS has tried to make a product but fails. Result, Holland is full balladurisation, that is to say that if he wins the election, the French will have the sense to wrestle with the advent of the Republic.

Recognize, however, that Holland assimilates very well tics of Manuel Valls, who are to blink with a look outraged, proud and superior, while uttering "but finally see ... but ... but what does is that it "before launching into a false anger that results in a syncopated phrasing sheepish although supposedly offensive, as the speaker's posture accompanies some kind of sufficiency but also very elaborate, a little arbitrary to each new or rumbling" but then "or" eh ".

The vision of the World 0/5 A sick system can also be recognized that; this way to accept that kind of evil quilt unmolded can stand before the votes of a people while starting as favorite introduces a sort of malaise . Holland is carrying anything other than itself, which is about less than nothing. The label Socialist Party, resting on the shoulder flanges, humiliates the client inherently socialist or social democratic, since it clearly shows its condescension toward voter-hostages. Holland has nothing but what he offers to expand his vision of the world, France and the future so it is reduced to quibbling over technical details see absolutely ridiculous vain, brutal and propose reforms silly to wake his troops and repeat "Change is Now" kid with a smile when prompted to react or take a stand.

The proposed 0/5 ... Come ... Come

The Party 1/5 The Socialist Party is a formation of bedridden decadent, whose heyday is past, that entertained by exposing a comic end of meeting chosen at the last minute, but we know the Socialist Party, this is the best in its class. Not sure that humor is the ultimate cure to the crisis which the French are now experiencing the effects, but after all ...

Since the Chirac years, PS has become a stable, just like the National Front, except that it is the neo-liberal and social-traitor who dominates, while the genuine defenders of the people are invisible seeing fantasizing & while the guardians of the temple or other followers of dogma make up the numbers for old customers.

For this reason and because of its historical heritage, the desire of some of its executives became inaudible or supplanted by a better position than them in the chart, you can continue, not to believe, but hoped that the PS can be the vector of a certain reformism, some social progress torn with the teeth. The Hope springs eternal, they say, if it exhausts produced any results, too. However, the PS will be more favorable than the UMP to react rather than adapt to the violence that will suffer the current powers in the years ahead as more willing to apply a direct democracy (although it is as suggested) through consultations. And then the PS Montebourg UMP has "national-Republicans" too, even Guaino to adjust speech ...

Holland on Zogarok ...

> Poor little Francis without cause


! The principle of notation should be taken lightly (that is the spirit in which it applies), it is used as a guide and to give an immediate fix.
